Go ye into the world and preach the Gospel, this is our uttermost assignment here on earth, any other assignment remains secondary.
Go ye into the world and preach the Gospel, this is our uttermost assignment here on earth, any other assignment remains secondary. This was the voice Late Rev. Pst. Prophet S.B.J Oshoffa heard and obeyed. He preached the gospel and as promised in the Bible that "these signs shall follow those that believe", indeed testimonies upon testimonies were heard. BUT WHAT IS THE CHURCH OFFERING TODAY? Today we here alot of heart breaking news from some celestial parishes. The WORD of God is no longer preached instead they preach the WORLD. A church that is supposed to be the last boat of salvation, a church that is supposed to cleanse the World now need cleansing. A spirit filled church now turned to a place to exhibit jeweries. A church with strict divine instructions on holiness now a church where diverse worldly songs are rendered. One may sometimes not be able to differentiate the time spent in church from the time spent in club when in some celestial parishes. A churc...